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LED lamp and incandescent lamp
Added:2016-04-14     Views:495

In the years after October 1st with the power savings, incandescent lamp " out of order" effect, LEDlighting lamp and incandescent lamp with vigour and vitality between a " tug-of-war " officially kicked off. An interview with reporters yesterday found that, despite policy and environmental protection and energy saving factors such as power, but the LED lamp has more than 130 years in the use of inertial andobvious price advantage of the incandescent lamps with energy-saving lamps in front, the intermediate force balance, to win the game, still has a long way to go.

Banned incandescent lamp is still on sale

According to the national development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of customs, the State Administration for Industry and commerce, the State Quality Inspection Administration jointly issued " on the progressive prohibit the sale of ordinary incandescent lighting notice ", in October 1st this year, prohibit the sale and import of 100 tile and more general lighting incandescent lamp. Up to yesterday, " out of order" has been in force for half a month, but the reporter visited the market found, some businesses still sells 100 watt incandescent lamp and above.

In the Lok housing Xinzhou shop, still on sale 100 watt incandescent lamp price from 3 yuan to 8 yuan,were placed in inconspicuous places, generally placed in the storage cabinet or is used as a sample in thelighting bulb. According to the introduction: " although the incandescent lamp is gradually withdraw from the market, but it is illuminating brightness LED lamp and the energy-saving lamp can not match, and LED lamp initial cost is far higher than that of incandescent lamp. Therefore, some construction sites, migrant workers housing still requires the use of incandescent lamp. "

Leave the music home, the reporter is in several lamps wholesale market and small hardware store found a lot of stores in sales of 100 tile and above ordinary incandescent lighting. In the village on a hardwareshop, shop assistant took out some 100 watt incandescent lamp is introduced: " 3 dollars one, the durable cheap. If you need more light, and a 200 Watt, lighting effect will be better. "

Incandescent lamp manufacturers to Outburst

Yesterday, Zhang Xiaofei told reporters, in the domestic, incandescent though has come out the schedule,but now it is incandescent lamp manufacturers the most money when. According to the monitoringdiscovery, a lot of incandescent lamp manufacturers of the day is much easier than before. Before doingthe incandescent lamp manufacturers too much, competition is intense. With energy-saving lamps, LED lights rise, a lot of incandescent lamp enterprises bankruptcy and transformation. Due to fewer competitors, insist on incandescent lamp manufacturers will usher in turn.

" Europe and the United States has entered the incandescent lamp time, but as a result of the incandescent lamp is suitable for light intensity and low price, and consumers also think energy saving lamp and LED lighting quality is better than incandescent lamps, can choose light color much, start slow,even people worry that the flickering fluorescent exhibit of lanterns result in migraine and epilepsy, so a lot of countries in Europe and America already lifted upsurge of hoarding incandescent lamp. Out oforder, the production of incandescent bulbs, sales are prohibited, so that Europe and the United States market will undoubtedly become a Chinese incandescent lamp manufacturer market. " Zhang Xiaofei says.

The reporter by Baidu search, September 1, 2009 is the European Union in 27 of its member countries banthe purchase of 100 watt incandescent lamp time. The media reported that, " because the wind cameearly, in recent times, Germany, Austria and Hungary, some people continue to panic buying incandescent bulb. " The German market research expert Alice Pilgov said: " people in panic buying, they don't want to lose this one understanding of traditional products, many home storage incandescent bulbs available 5 to 10 years. "

LED lamp power increases quickly

In the national development and Reform Commission and other ministries released last year " out oforder" this policy baton under the guidance of a powerful army, China enters LED lighting market. HighLED Industry Research Institute of the latest statistical report shows, the first half of this year, the new LED interior lighting enterprises more than 1800, of which more than six into new entrants had previouslymainly engaged in production of LED display and LED package.

The reporter interviews understanding to arrive, in addition to Lehman photoelectric, delta Ming technology, construction such as photoelectric had already entered the LED interior lighting marketdisplay company, Regent photoelectric, three liter Gaoke old LED display enterprises to speed up the LED lighting business development. At the same time, as the current domestic revenue scale is the largestdisplay company, Shanghai think also embarked on indoor LED lighting product development, and plans to launch next year LED interior lighting products.

Statistical report shows at the same time, the first half of 2012, China LED interior lighting market of rapid growth in the scale, an increase of nearly 36%, including LED, LED lamp bulb lamp, LED lamp and LED lighting four sales growth significantly. Expected full-year 2012, Chinese LED interior lighting market dimensions to will exceed 25000000000 yuan, year-on-year growth rate of more than 40%.

LED lamp to win still shoulder heavy responsibilities

Since 1879, Edison invented incandescent lamp, incandescent lamp has been used for over 130 years, and the LED since sixty's last century science and technology workers using semiconductor pn junction light-emitting principle was developed in LED light-emitting diode, actually used LED Lamps lighting also justrecently 10 years. One aspect is the incandescent lamp 130 years of inertia, a clear price advantage, as well as the disadvantages of high energy consumption; on the other hand is LED lights policy and energy saving and environmental protection advantages, and high cost caused by the high price inferior,incandescent lamp and LED light PK is bound to be a long process. But human beings of energy saving and environmental protection in pursuit, and doomed the PK final the winner was LED lamp undoubtedly.

In the evaluation of the " tug-of-war ", reporters yesterday interviewed a number of industry experts allhold such a view, that is, the incandescent lamp must be LED replace sb. To win, but LED has a long way to go.

Shenzhen semiconductor lighting industry development association deputy secretary-general Bao Enzhong said, " out of order" just give consumers released an incandescent lamp will be eliminated signal,but consumers only know basic alternatives are energy-saving lamps, is not clear finally substitutes for LED lamp. But, " out of order" only regulations prohibit the import and sale of incandescent lamp, no ban on the production, this will also increase the LED win the game difficulty. At present, selling the cheapest LEDlamps than the most expensive incandescent lamp price 3 times. Although the incandescent lampespecially 100 watt incandescent lamp and above are present only in some factories, construction sitesand rural family use, but LED lights because the price is still high, difficult to popularize, except some largeLamps City, large supermarkets for sale, consumers want to buy both not to. LED lamp actually enter thefamily outreach will be a long process, this process requires at least 3~5 years.

Shenzhen semiconductor lighting industry development Association honorary president Wang Dianfu expresses to the reporter, LED lamp eventually replace incandescent lamp is allow all doubt, still needs to be crossed the two threshold: a price decline is; two is to improve the quality of. The price has beenreduced, estimated that next year will drop 20%, reducing the price to consumers to accept degree sooner or later. The key is to improve the product quality, which requires LED enterprises to increase innovation strength, elaborate design, lean manufacturing, fine management. In addition, LED lights in the price,good quality, to the real popularity, need bibcock enterprise appearance, but is now, thousands of domestic LED lighting enterprises still in the scattered, small, act of one's own free will fight a lone battlesituation, fighting capacity is very weak, the true bibcock enterprise has not appeared. He called on theindustry development strategy to recombine, make the LED lighting market, let LED lighting really intohousehold lighting field. "But this process requires at least 3 years. " Wang Dianfu says. In addition,energy-saving lamps is also affecting the LED lamp to win this game. " Tug-of-war " is one of the important factors. At present, domestic energy-saving lamps containing mercury content is very high, if the country is to limit, improve energy-saving lamp production costs, will give LED in this match oddsincrease chips.

An extension of reading

As long as the breakthrough point of LED market price will suddenly enlarged

China's semiconductor lighting industry alliance project and the deputy secretary-general Yang Lanfang said, the national development and Reform Commission announced a nationwide ban on the sale of 100 watts and above ordinary incandescent lighting, LED lighting enterprises to create huge opportunities. As long as the breakthrough of the price of the critical point, LED lighting market will suddenly enlarged.

According to McKinsey, from 2010 to 2016 global LED lighting market share will by present 7% rise to more than 40%, to 2020, LED lighting market income will be close to 65000000000 euros -- in the global lighting market in occupy nearly 60% of the share.

At present, China only semiconductor lighting products market scale reached about 20000000000 Yuan,two or three years will rise to 50000000000 of ~600 million scale.

The current lighting market is the mainstream of fluorescent lamp ( also known as fluorescent lamp, filled with argon and mercury vapor ), it can save about 75% energy than incandescent lamps, but the service life is still limited, generally less than 10000 hours, and in fluorescent lamps, mercury brings environmental pollution also can not solve the problem.

Happy hundred years LED lighting general manager Chen Baodong said, lighting market power LED energy saving lamp in energy consumption, life and environmental protection are progress: a theory ofLED lamp life of 100000 hours, the actual use of not less than 50000 hours; the same effect of lightintensity, it is at least more than 50% energy saving fluorescent lamp; moreover, LED illumination a thousand li a day, only to the energy consumption as an example, is expected next year it relative to thefluorescent lamp energy saving efficiency can be increased to 70%.

" To achieve a 100 watt light bulb ( the brightness of incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp ) at least 25 watts, while LED lamps require only 10 watts, not to mention the LED lamp life of daylight lamp five times." Chen Baodong said, " the 10 watt LED lamp price of about 50 yuan, the same lighting fluorescent lampfor the price of 25 yuan, the price difference half looks, but to save the energy consumption cost into account, the higher price will come in two years. "

Given the technology's rapid innovation, Chen Baodong predicts, next year, 10 watt LED lamp light effectwould be equivalent to 30 watts for the fluorescent lamp; technological breakthroughs will also beaccompanied by reduced cost, at the appointed time, LED lighting will welcome the explosive growth.

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